skrg ni aku kat LCCT, mcm biasa la tggu flight sok pg..mmg dh biasa dh..epot ni dh jd mcm my second home dh..before sampai umah msti b'mlm dlu kat epot..sgt penat tp kalo ada mmber xde la penat sgt..blh tlg mnolong..ape yg pntg? kerjesame..kehkehkeh...
ptg td membe2 aku tlg hntr kat epot..smpt g la aku mnyakitkn ati dorg dgn pressure2 yg x berpekdah tu..but i think its worth it..xnk la ada tragedi pertumpahan air mata kat epot tu..hilang maco yg mmg xde tu..kehkehkeh...wat lawak, gelak2, bole la hilangkn kesedihan..kalo ade yg ckp x sedey tu mmg konfem die tipu...sbbnye, kn aku ni kene syg..hahahaha...ok2, ckop memuji diri..back to the topic..
dun know y, aku ni mmg susah sgt nk tnjuk feeling aku yg sebenar..its not that im heartless but i just cant show it..maybe bcoz of my ego yg mcm gunung tu..maybe gak bcoz aku ni lmbt pick-up, feeling tu lmbt nk maybe gak ati aku tu dsimpan kat ais box, sjuk sgt smpi da xtaw warmness tu mcm mn..ish3, wallaua3lam...
my point here is, i am just a normal person, have feelings like everyone else but the difference lies on my unability (ces! sedap jak ayat aku) to show bile ade event2 yg sedey tu, aku sbnrnye sedey gak tp x looks like aku ni mcm cyborg la..heartless..
but im just Sylangster pressure..hehe
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