The confession of the trustless person

woah! tajuk mmg sgt de boom..kehkehkeh..hahaha..mmg minta perhatian pye tajuk..walawalawei pa pn yg pntg ri ni aku berjaya menundukkan nafsu..yeyy!! ri ni aku bgn menunaikan solat subuh (wat kali pertama pas balik umah)..huhhh! announce mcm damn je..kehkehkeh...kalahkan syaitan tido!! rejam sm dia..hehe..ok back to the topic...

kalo ikut tajuk tu mcm aku ni sorg yg xde kepercayaan terhadap apa2 la plak, but dun wori..tajuk je yg lebey still a muslim yg amar ma3ruf nahi purpose using the word "trustless" is because i am someone who wont give my trust just to anyone..and i will take back my trust that i put to someone if they break a rule (some rule set by me)and there are reasons behind all of this..aku ni sbnrnya bersembunyi di dlm cengkerang yg keras (my big personality) but the other side of me was pure and sensitive..thats why i never judge a person based on the first impression..because for me, everyone hides their real selves in a different way..

once before, i have those who i put my trust on them but i was stabbed from the of them stabbed me from the front..hurt but i still strong because i am me..there was a time where i never trust anyone, but i feel like im alone..

the me you are seeing right now maybe not the me you always known..but the truth is i am me and i will always be me..i am sylangster inside and pressure outside..two split personalities but both are connected and must be one to be if you are one amongst all that got my trust, congrats!! hehe..bukan senang tau nk please take a good care of trust is one of the most valuable thing for me but i gave it to you, for you to care..

sume ni bukanlah nk bgtaw yg aku ni lemah ke apa tp sebaliknya. aku seorg yg kuat. aku tumbuh sebagai seorang yg berhati keras. cuma aku masih bergantung kpd "trust"..tu je..nothing more..

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel The confession of the trustless person ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari Friday, May 7, 2010. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan The confession of the trustless person

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