Beginning of a new life...

Rasanya dh masuk 3 mggu kejadian tu berlaku. Skrg aku dh single...yahuuuu!!!...dia yg minta, aku hnya mmberi...clash, break or any other similar word to describe our relationship now...

hati rs mcm sunyi jak, jd mata pn meliar2 mncari...mmg byk, namun aku mcm masih belum bersedia tuk mncari pengganti...memandangkan dh lm x single(6 years) 2004-2010, aku decide to stay as a single la for now...hahaha...mcm lucu plak ayat tu...yg pntg fhm, kn?hehe...


Malam semalam aku termimpikan sesuatu yg amat dahsyat...Tsunami...!!!...mmg terrifying gak la n feels like it is real...

in dat dream...suddenly at the beach. with everyone yg aku x kenal. ramai gak la. tp x smpi 100 kot. from far away, d mana bertemunya langit dan laut, kelihatan ada black line (mcm situasi tsunami)...but, i and the others terus mcm taw2 je tsunami nk dtg n dgn rileknye masuk in a little house. rumahtu terletak betul2 kat gigi air pantai, hnya ada 4 walls and 2 windows...tingkap rumah tu terbuka luas (besar gak la tgkp tu, mcm tggi sorg mnusia)...but then i realize dat there were 4 girls still playing out there (mandi2 air pntai mcm tataw je tsunami nk dtg, siap gelak2 lg)...and i know 2 of them...when the tsunami almost arrive, then they run to the back of the house (cant see them anymore)...when the big wave semakin mnghampiri rumah tu, aku takut...terus aku tutup jendela yg nearest but at the other side(the other window), there was a man standing on it, and judging from his face he was laughing loudly(x dgr mybe bnyi ombak kuat sgt kot)...suddenly the wave split. terbelah dua and not even a single drop of water pn yg kena kat umah tu...

the end...terus aku terjaga...this dream mcm petanda for something and it make me nervous today...i dont know wat to do...i know dat dream is mainan tido but sometimes ada mimpi yg jadi petunjuk to us kn...skrg aku hnya berdoa jak la agar tiada apa2 yg akan berlaku(perkara buruk)...lebih2 org yg x survive dlm mimpi aku tu...

Betul ka x...aku pn tataw...

Ni la kunun2nya penilaian untuk diri aku berdasarkan tarikh bila bc2 jak, mmg byk yg mcm betul...hehe...

Birth number - 9
~ The number nine is associated with luck and accomplishment. You are a charming person who can make friends very easily. You like to be in control of any situation you are in. In a group of friends, you are likely to be the most entertaining person. You are a compassionate person who goes out of way to help others. You are sensitive but few know it.

Birth color - Purple
~ Purple symbolizes royalty, respect, freedom and power. You are a fashionable and an artistic person. You are very jolly and are popular among your friends. You are ambitious and independent.

Libra - as a lover
~You are fantastic and a very sexy lover. You love mush and romance in your relationships. You like to flirt even when you are committed but most of it is harmless fun. You tend to trust anyone very fast. So be careful because you fall in love too fast. You love peaceful dinners and relaxed evening walks with your partner. You are an extremely passionate lover and the opposite sex adores you for that. You express your love whenever and wherever you can. You take great care of your sweetheart and shower all your attention on your sweetheart.
~~~~Your kissing style:
Your kisses are wild and amazing.
~~~~To attract you, the opposite sex must be - Stylish, sophisticated, attentive, mysterious, etc.
~~~~You are more compatible with - Aries, Aquarius, Gemini
~~~~You are less compatible with - Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn

Born on - September.
~ Wise and humble. Inspiring character. Cool in difficult situations. Altruistic and sympathetic. Love travelling. Knowledgeable beyond my years. Industrious. Understanding nature. Friendly with all. Like helping others. Fun to be with. Loyal lover. Good looker and great dresser. Confident.

Birth stone - Sapphire
~ Sapphire is believed to bring peace and wisdom to the bearer. It signifies truth. You are an achiever, industrious in what you do, mentally strong and become emotional at times but dont show it.

Airport lagi!

skrg ni aku kat KLIA, dr kol 8.30am td lg dh smpi kat cni...on9 kat mcD...mmg xtaw malu...but thats still alive...wahhh...mmg teda smgt mo p kls...sakit hati sgt2....akhirnya balik uum gak aku...sgt2 mls...nda best!

perkara yg paling aku x suka bila mo balik is tggu flight...rasa mcm keja d epot jak...seharian menunggu....boring + teda kwn + pnt angkt barang...berjenis2 mslh...mmg x aku pndi membestkan diri...hehe...tgk gelagat org...ada yg dresing lawak...ada yg stylo...ada yg bodo sombong pura2 taw arah, bak kata pepatah-malu bertanya sesat jak la yg best...nsb baik la ada mcD ni tmpt on9...kalo x msti boring sgt2...

td aku kol mmber2, suh amik aku kat epot kedah tp soma ada kelas...kesian aku...terpaksa la naik teksi...sblm ni aku xtaw plak yg naik tksi tu murah...hehe...nsb bek la ada mmber tu yg inform...

so thats all la...mulai ri ni, aktif balik la ni aku update blog ni...hehe ciao!